Multinnov Stereo2 training

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If you've just bought a Stereo2, training with Multinnov is not required but strongly recommended. To ensure safe and efficient use of your equipment in confined environments, the aim of this training course is to provide participants with an in‑depth understanding of the drone in both theoretical and practical terms. Flying with training means flying safely.

Training objectives:


The first stage of the course aims to equip participants with the knowledge they need to understand the drone in its entirety. This includes an in‑depth understanding of how it works and behaves in various environments, starting with a solid theoretical foundation.

The second part of the course focuses on putting the knowledge acquired in the first stage into practice. Participants will have the opportunity to put theory into practice through real‑life scenarios, in a specially designed learning environment. A crucial aspect of this training is also the acquisition of skills for responding effectively to emergency situations.


Training content:

- Methodology of intervention preparation


Intervention preparation is an essential pillar of the training, guiding participants through the crucial steps to ensure the success of each mission with stereo2. The primary objective of this section is to provide learners with the skills needed to plan and execute smooth operations, with particular emphasis on pre‑flight check procedures.

This involves identifying the specific objectives of the inspection, selecting optimum flight routes, and assessing the relevant environmental conditions. The methodology will also teach the importance of anticipating possible obstacles or challenges encountered on the ground, thus contributing to a smoother and safer execution.

Particular attention will be paid to the preparation of the drone itself, ensuring that every component is working properly before take‑off.


- Using and handling the drone


The aim of this stage of the training is to provide participants with complete expertise in the use and handling of the drone. It is very important to get out of your copy and manipulate in order to learn. Getting to grips with the drone will begin with a detailed exploration of all the controls, giving learners an in‑depth understanding of how each control affects the drone's behaviour in flight (direction, altitude, flight modes, etc.).

At the same time, participants will be trained to maintain their drone proactively. The importance of preventive maintenance will be emphasised, highlighting the regular procedures needed to guarantee the durability and reliability of the equipment.


- Visual and immersion flying

This section of the course is devoted to a detailed exploration of the different flying perspectives, with particular emphasis on visual flying and first‑person flying.

The exploration of visual flight will begin with an in‑depth understanding of this traditional approach.

At the same time, the course will delve into the captivating world of the first‑person view. This allows the pilot to see what the drone sees in real time via an on‑board camera. All in all, this detailed exploration of visual flight is designed to broaden the participants range of skills, preparing them to use the Stereo2 drone in a wide variety of situations.


- Flight exercises based on real‑life scenarios


This crucial phase of the training aims to put the knowledge acquired by the participants into practice by confronting them with practical scenarios adapted to the specific field of their company. This ensures that the skills acquired during the training are directly relevant to the real challenges that participants will face in their future missions. Indoor inspections need to be well prepared to avoid any mistakes.


- Intervention follow‑up


Once the flight is over, the follow‑up to the operation takes on a significant importance in the training. It places particular emphasis on collecting, storing and processing the data gathered by the drone during the mission. It is also important at this stage to learn how to debrief your performance in order to analyse any flight errors and improve as you go along.


- Knowing the limits of the operation


As part of the "Confined space inspection with stereo2" training course, it is essential to give participants a thorough understanding of the drone's operational limits. This is of major importance in ensuring effective operations. The technical limits of the machine must be clearly defined, so as to avoid embarking on missions that are impossible to carry out. It is important to know the maximum range of the signal, the battery life, etc. so that the service can be organised accordingly.


- Emergency scenarios


This stage is fundamental in preparing participants to deal with critical situations quickly, efficiently and safely. The main aim is to teach them how to recognise the warning signs of potential problems and how to respond appropriately, in order to minimise the risk of drone loss or damage. Knowing how to anticipate, recognise and react effectively to critical situations not only ensures the safety of operations, but also helps to preserve equipment and reduce the risks to people and property involved.


Maxime Bignard and his team are putting all their skills at your service to produce the very best in drone technology for inspection in confined environments. It's now up to you to exploit its full potential by taking our Stereo2 training course.







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