Multinnov specialist in robots UAV for confined space or environment inspections
Denied GPS Environments Stabilization
Most drones orient themselves using GPS. This helps to keep them stable during flight and makes them easier for pilots to keep control of them and ensure they don’t fly too high. But in some confined spaces such as a mine, a GPS signal may not be available. A drone with denied GPS environments stabilization is fitted with special software that allows drones to perform technical inspections inside mines, oil tanks, warehouses, caves, subways, and other locations where there is no GPS, light, pilot, or pre-existing maps available. We’d be delighted to tell you more about how our denied GPS environments stabilization systems work and how you can carry out accurate inspections in challenging areas with ease and confidence.
Drone Inspections When GPS is Denied
When operating in sensitive areas, such as nuclear power plants, where images collected by a UAV may be a risk to national security, a drone with denied GPS environments stabilization can be a big asset. In these situations, where connecting to the Internet or GPS could be a liability, our UAVs provide the perfect solution.
How Our Drones With GPS Environments Stabilization Work
Our drones with denied GPS environment stabilization work in a number of different ways. Onboard visual sensors can assist the drone while it is flying. Obstacle avoidance sensors can also provide the UAV with reference points, allowing it to hover where it is without needing to use GPS. These avoidance sensors assist the drone with determining key information for staying in the air, including location, altitude, and tilt.
Drone Inspections Without GPS in a Range of Industries
There are many different ways a drone with denied GPS environments stabilization can help you to carry out inspections. Here are some of them:
- Indoor inspections: While flying inside assets like industrial boilers or oil storage tanks, getting a connection to GPS may be different or even impossible depending on the size or location of these assets.
- Mines: These areas present a similar challenge in that the further underground you go, the weaker the GPS signal.
- Bridge inspections: Inspections of bridges can also pose a problem. Flying a drone under or near a metal bridge can interfere with the GPS signal.
- Critical infrastructure: Some government agencies may request that a drone with denied GPS environments stabilization be used near critical infrastructures such as power plants or military bases. GPS around these areas could be more sensitive and vulnerable to security risks.
No matter what the industry or what the application, our drones with denied GPS environments stabilization can help you to carry out inspections without the risk of leaked data or signal interference. We would be delighted to speak to you about our service and product options and how we can help you to carry out your inspections with confidence. Call us today to find out more about our denied GPS environments stabilization options and how you can transform the way you carry out inspections throughout your organisation.
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