Multinnov at the service of non‑destructive testing

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Why is non‑destructive testing so important?

These days, non‑destructive testing has become indispensable and plays a crucial role in industry, particularly in improving the safety and efficiency of infrastructures in various industrial sectors.

Non‑destructive testing enables rapid detection of anomalies without damaging the structures or materials being inspected, which is essential for maintaining high standards of safety, quality and performance.

Non‑destructive testing is a set of methods and techniques for examining, assessing and testing the quality of materials, components or structures without damaging or destroying them.

Unlike destructive methods, which require the destruction of material to detect defects or weaknesses, NDT enables anomalies to be detected while preserving the object or structure being inspected.  

Why use Multinnov machines for non‑destructive testing?

In the field of non‑destructive testing, visual inspection is of major importance for inspecting damaged materials and structures. Among the modern tools that are revolutionising these practices, the Roview2 rolling solution and the Stereo2 flying solution stand out for their ability to provide accurate and detailed analyses.

Our machines are designed to offer precise visual inspection in difficult‑to‑access industrial environments, capturing detailed images of the surfaces inspected using high‑resolution cameras and advanced sensors.  


Non‑destructive testing is essentially there to guarantee the safety and performance of various infrastructures, not only preserving the total integrity of materials and structures, but also ensuring proactive risk management and supporting the quality of products and services in increasingly demanding environments. 

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Multinnov Stereo2 training

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If you've just bought a Stereo2, training with Multinnov is not required but strongly recommended. To ensure safe and efficient use of your equipment in confined environments, the aim of this training course is to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the drone in both theoretical and practical terms. Flying with training means flying safely.